Political RoboCall Laws State-By-State

State Banned Allowed Consent Required Sponsor must be named Other provisions
Alabama - - - -
Alaska - - - -
Arizona - - - -
Arkansas - - - -
California - Phone company approval required; no calls from 9:00pm TO 9:00am
Colorado - - - -
Connecticut - - Candidate's name and voice must be in narrative
Delaware - - - -
Florida -
(except polls)
- Must appoint a registered agent; candidate or other sponsor of calls must authorize them in writing
Georgia - - Permit required
Hawaii - - - -
Idaho - - No calls from 9:00pm to 9:00am
Illinois - -
(except polls)
Indiana - No calls from 8:00pm to 9:00am
Iowa - A live operator must speak during a fundraising call
Kansas - - - -
Kentucky - For polls - Permit required; no polls from 9:00pm to 8:00am
Louisiana - -
(except polls)
Written authorization for class required.
Maine - -
(during stated times before election)
Registered agent required; no polls from 5:00pm to 9:00am or on weekends; extensive disclosure requirements for "push polls"
Maryland - For polls - Permit Required
Massachusetts - - - No calls to people on a no-call list kept by each telephone company
Michigan - - - -
Minnesota - No calls from 9:00pm to 9:00am
Mississippi - Phone company approval required; no calls from 9:00pm to 9:00am
Missouri - - - -
Montana - - -
Nebraska - - Permit required; no calls from 9:00pm to 9:00am
Nevada - - For persuasive polls -
New Hampshire - - For fundraising calls and polls No calls to persons on federal do-not-call list; permit is required for fundraising calls and calls
New Jersey - - -
New Mexico - - If the call is among at least 500 during an election cycle -
New York - - -
North Dakota - - Random or sequential dialing equipment must exclude persons on state do-not-call list (which includes persons on the federal list); no calls from 9:00pm to 8:00am
Ohio - - - -
Oklahoma - - - -
Oregon - - - Random or sequential dialing equipment must exclude persons on the federal do-not-call list; no calls from 9:00pm to 9:00am
Pennsylvania - - - -
Rhode Island - - - -
South Carolina - - - A live operator must assist in the call
South Dakota - - - -
Tennessee - For polls - Permit required; no polls from 9:00pm to 8:00am
Texas - - - -
Utah - For fundraising calls For fundraising calls No fundraising calls (1) to people who have not previously agreed to take calls and have no business relationship with caller; (2) to persons on federal do-not-call list; or (3) between 9:00pm and 8:00am, on a Sunday, or on a legal holiday
Vermont - - - -
Virginia - - -
Washington - - - -
West Virginia - - - -
Wisconsin - - - -
Wyoming - - - -

U.S. & National Compliancy Reference

Please make sure your organization stays up to date with changes in the Federal telemarketing and outbound regulations by using an attorney or checking at:

FTC Website: http://www.ftc.gov
FCC Website: http://www.fcc.gov

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Political RoboCall State-By-State Guide

A state-by-state breakdown of laws regarding political robocalling.

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